Hoof beats to Healing - Autism Therapeutic Horses

Monday, September 7, 2009

Win More Dressage

Talking about Horses - Dressage

"But the only way to win here in (my location) is to schmooze the judges." I really hate to say how many times through the years I've heard that comment, in whatever form it takes.

Other variations: "Oh, she's an Arab/QH/Paint/Hannoverian/Warmblood/(insert breed name here) person - you can only win if you have that kind of horse."

"Schmoozing" is a pretty serious offense in dressage. Judges work extremely hard to earn their letter designations, and the USEF is happy to investigate each and every accusation of "schmoozing". Equestrians can easily file complaints, even anonymously, so judges work hard to stay straight, so they can keep their designation. Judges found guilty face suspension or worse of their credentials, so it's not often that "schmoozing" is really the case.

If you feel it's justified, you can file anonymously, as I said. You need the show name, location and date, what kind of show it is, and other related info.

It might not be a case of schmoozing, but perhaps a case of not enough prep time for competing. You and your horse have to be ultra prepared, have all kinds of contingencies planned for and solved ahead of time, and well, both trained well enough. Nerves can take their toll - it's easy to not ride as well in competition as you do schooling.

You must take that into consideration.

There's always somebody offering up excuses for not performing well. You don't have to be that person - get your copy of "12 Secrets to Winning More Ribbons In Dressage", and find how to retire your excuses once and for all.

Happy Trails!
Patricia Reszetylo


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